Glia @ RUN FOR PALESTINE - Help Save the Future of Gaza
Glia will be attending this year's RUN FOR PALESTINE event which will be held on September 17th, 2022. The goal of this year's run is to impact the life of Palestinians by raising $160,000 for Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza.
The event will be held at Greenway Park (1E8 Terry Fox Parkway, London, ON). Registration starts at 9:00am EST with a run start time of 11:00am. The even concludes at 6:30pm.
Drop by our both and say hi and see what we've been up to. There will also be a raffle which will feature something from Glia.

This cause remains extremely important, especially in light of the most recent events in Gaza. Please help out this great cause by donating today and with the help of the Islamic Relief Fund get examination beds, blood pressure devices, ECGs, and wheelchairs into the maternity department at Al-Shifa hospital.
From the event website:
"Along with your help, we are aiming to ensure a protective and dignified environment for pregnant women and their newborn babies in the Gaza Strip by improving the provision of high-quality and accessible services in the maternity health sector. Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza is the only hospital that provides health and maternity services for the residents of the North Gaza, that is why we need your help to fund the equipment and furniture such as examination beds, blood pressure devices, ECGs, and wheelchairs, all of which will be provided by Islamic Relief Canada.
We need your help to fund medical equipment and furniture for the maternity department at Shifa’ hospital in Gaza!"
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